AI Cameras

AI (artificial intelligence) is so popular nowadays, that every smart phone user is getting in touch of this technology, almost 337 million users in India have smartphone in 2018 and the count goes on and on; as the cheaper (in terms of cost only) 4G has been introduced.

“AI powered camera” is the new term coined by the giant manufacturers like Google, Apple, Samsung, Huawei, Honor, Xiaomi, Vivo, Oppo and list continues on every launch of their new smartphone.

Cameras are meant to capture moments, scenic views, still view, motion view, films, videos etc. etc. but evaluation in technology changes the camera expectations, and trends to use cameras in motion detection, surveillance, face recognition, image processing (Analysis) on the top of that there AI Cameras were introduced for better image quality and many more features to get fall in love with the technology, this is the self-adaptive technology, means camera itself learns and built its own picture quality using previous pictures and various machine learning algorithms. Actually there are many more algorithms but I would like to list some of its:
  1. DeepExposure
  2.  Pixel Binning
  3. Auto Focus detection
  4. Image histogram
  5. RGB image
  6. TrueDepth

So basically we can say that there is AI in Cameras, I hope you know what AI is means,

Artificial Intelligence (AI):
As per Wikipedia definition AI defined as the study of "intelligent agents": any device that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of successfully achieving its goals. A more elaborate definition characterizes AI as a system’s ability to correctly interpret external data, to learn from such data, and to use those learning to achieve specific goals and tasks through flexible adaptation.

In simple words AI teaches Computer or Electronic device (Camera) to learn, think and perform tasks to get best of best picture shot. For this Camera uses patterns (Previous taken images) and behavior of the user (mainly focus lens). Simply saying learns from previous experiences.

To get the power of AI, Electronic devices (Camera or Smartphones) are loaded with latest hardware in the industry for an example

  • HDR+ enabled camera lenses
  • Image Processing Unit (IPU)
    •   Designed by Google integrated in Pixel 2
  • Neural Processing Unit (NPU)
    • Kirin processor in Huawei P20 phones
  • A11 Bionic chip
    • AI chips in Apple phones
  • Neural Engine chip
But as the hardware unit increases the Price also increases, and this is not the good sign to compete in market so as per the market demand there are more ever need of AI software’s to get the best quality picture from the optimum use of hardware, to maintain the price. Keeping in mind the hardware constrains the new era of photography has begun that is “Computational Photography.”

Computational Photography:

This refers to in camera computation means multiple images has been captured in single click of shutter button (time Instance) and the average is calculated of all the images captured and presented as one single Photograph.
To get the best results Phones were provided with multiple different camera lenses (Sensors) mainly
  1. Main Camera Lens
  2. Telephoto Lens
  3. Wide Angle Lens

Hope you will understand what AI powered camera is? And why there are using multiple cameras in One Phone?

Two are better than one


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